Personal Project

Reading time ~1 minute

Sake Song Yeast

Encoding a Traditional Sake Song to DNA sequence


  • Traditional Sake Brewing songs are work songs when sake is brewed. In 17th century, Sake brewers sang these songs to check a long process of brewing, and also to keep the good rhythm of teamwork etc…
  • In 20th century, brewing technology has been advanced, and brewing process are reduced, so these sake brewing songs are gradually forgotten.
  • Those songs were passed down from generation to generation by oral tradition. So, I started to think how those songs can be brought down to posterity.

  • [Traditional sake song 1]
  • [Traditional sake song 2]


Finding the ways;

  • to encode music to DNA sequence

Exploring stories/products;

  • How does the sake song yeast work?
  • Assumable stories and/or products made from Sake song yeasts


  1. Understanding characteristics of sake yeast (culturing and isolating yeast from sake lees)
  2. Researching the existing logic of DNA to Music (and vice versa) encoding.
  3. Encoding short Music phrase to DNA sequence
  4. Exploring the stories and/or products based on findings from the above process 1, 2 and 3.

Personal Project - Final Presentation -

Personal Project - Music and Yeast - Continue reading

The First of the Microbe Hunters

Published on March 11, 2016